What is Hibernate Framework?

 What is Hibernate?

Hibernate, an Object-Relational Mapping tool (ORM), reduces the complexity of application development. Hibernate framework that allows you to interact with data stored in databases. It uses specifications from the Java Persistence API, (JPA), and is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. It supports nearly all relational databases.

What is Hibernate Framework?

Gavin King is the father of hibernate. Hibernate is available in both Java SE (Standard Edition), and Java EE, Enterprise Edition.

Hibernate (Enterprise Application Platform) is an integral part of JBoss EAP. JBoss tools allow for easy implementation and testing code during application development.

What is the ORM tool?

An Object-Relational Mapping tool is used to simplify the creation, manipulation and access of data. This technique maps the object to the database data. ORM can be used to resolve mismatches such as

Granularity It can be further divided into new data fields. A person can be considered an entity, for example. You can also subdivide 'person' into additional attributes such as name, address, contact, and so forth.

 Inheritance- Inheritance allows a sub/child to inherit the attributes and properties of its parent/superior class.

Identity- Relational databases offer a limited concept of identity. It can be described as a column that generates numeric value automatically.

Association It is used to establish a relationship between two objects that are based on the same attribute.

Navigation It's a database where records and objects can be found by reference to other objects. Both Java and RDBMS have different methods of object access.

Java Persistence API (JPA).

JPA is a specification of the functionalities, standards and concepts that are used in the ORM tool. It can be found in the javax.persistence packages. A coder should use the "JPA Framework" to reduce the number of codes required for relational object management. This allows easy interaction with the database.

JPA is an open source framework that was released for the first time in May 2006. Many enterprise vendors, such as Oracle and Eclipse, offer JPA products. These vendors offer new JPA products.


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