How to write json objects into the file using java language?

Java read json file

The JSON is one of the broadly utilized information exchange designs and is a lightweight and language free.

 The json.simple is a lightweight JSON handling library that can be utilized to peruse and compose JSON records and it tends to be utilized to encode or disentangle JSON message and completely consistent with JSON determination.

How to write json objects into the file using java language?

 To peruse a JSON record, we really want to download the json-simple.jar document and set the way to execute it.



import java.util.*;

import org.json.simple.*;

import org.json.simple.parser.*;

public class Example1 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      JsonFile parser1 = new JsonFile();

      try {

         Object obj1 = parser.parse(new FileReader1("/Bhoomika/Victus/Desktop/course.json"));

         jsonObject = (JsonObject)obj1;

         String name1 = (String)jsonObject.get("Name of the student");

         String course1 = (String)jsonObject.get("Course obtained ");

         JsonArray subjects = (JsonArray)jsonObject.get("total Subjects");

         System.out.println("Name of the student: " + name1);

         System.out.println("Course obtained: " + course1);

         System.out.println("total Subjects:");

         Iterator1= subjects.iterator();

         while (iterator1.hasNext()) {



      } catch(Exception e) {





How to write json objects into the file using java language?

The JSON is one of the broadly utilized information exchange designs and is a lightweight and language free.

 The json.simple is a lightweight JSON handling library that can be utilized to peruse and compose JSON records and it tends to be utilized to encode or disentangle JSON message and completely consistent with JSON determination.

 To peruse a JSON record, we really want to download the json-simple.jar document and set the way to execute it.



import java.util.*;

import org.json.simple.*;

import org.json.simple.parser.*;

public class Example2 {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      JsonObject obj1 = new JsonObject();

      Obj1.put("Name of the student", "Bhoomika");

      Obj1.put("Course obtained by the student", "MBA");

      JsonArray subject = new JsonArray();

      subject.add("Subj1: DAA");

      subject.add("Subj2: OOPS");

      subject.add("Subj3: DSA);

      obj1.put("Subjects:", subject);


 (FileWriter record1 = new FileWriter("/Bhoomika/Victus/Desktop/course11.json")) {


         System.out.println("Json object will be in touch with the file when needed");

         System.out.println("JSON Object1: " + obj1);




Reading json file:



import java.util.*;

import org.json.simple.*;

import org.json.simple.parser.*;

public class Example3 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      JsonParser parser1 = new JsonParser();

      try {

         Object obj2 = parser1.parse(new FileReader1("/Bhoomika/Victus/Desktop/course11.json"));

         jsonObject1 = (JSONObject)obj2;

         String name = (String)jsonObject1.get("Name of the student");

         String course = (String)jsonObject.get("Course obtained");

         JsonArray subjects = (JsonArray)jsonObject1.get("Subjects allotted");

         System.out.println("Name of the student: " + name);

         System.out.println("Course obtained by the student: " + course);


         Iterator1 = subject.iterator();

         while (iterator1.hasNext()) {



      } catch(Exception e) {





Json simple features:

·        Full consistence with JSON detail (RFC4627).

·        Upholds encode, interpret/parse and get away from JSON.

·        Simple to use by reusing Map and List interfaces.

·        Upholds streaming result of JSON text.

·        High execution.

·        No dependency on outside libraries


Write json file:

To compose JSON test into the record, we will be working with chiefly two classes:

1.      JSONArray: To compose information in json exhibits. Utilize its add() technique to add objects of type JSONObject.

2.      JSONObject: To compose json objects. Utilize it's put() technique to populate fields.




import org.json.simple.JSONArray;

import org.json.simple.JSONObject;


public class WritingJSONExample1



    public static void main( String[] args )


        //First Employ

        JSONObject employDetails1 = new JSONObject();

        employDetails1.put("firstName of the employ", "koushik");

        employDetails1.put("lastName of the employ", "Yadav");

        employDetails1.put("website name", "");


        JSONObject employeeObject = new JSONObject();

        employeeObject.put("employee", employeeDetails);


        //Second Employ

        JSONObject employDetails11 = new JSONObject();

        employeeDetails11.put("firstName of the employ", "Bhoomika");

        employeeDetails11.put("lastName of the employ", "Reddy");

        employeeDetails11.put("website name", "");


        JSONObject employObject22 = new JSONObject();

        employeeObject22.put("employ", employDetails22);


        //Add workers to list

        JSONArray employList = new JSONArray();




        //Compose JSON document

        try(FileWriter f1 = new FileWriter("employ.json")) {

            //We can compose any JSONArray or JSONObject occurrence to the record




        } get (IOException e) {





Converting json file to string:

we can undoubtedly change over JSON records to strings. Changing over a JSON document into a string is finished by perusing bytes of information of that record.

To change over JSON records to string, we utilize the nio (non-hindering I/O) package

(collection of Java programming language APIs that proposition highlights for I/O activities).

Suppose the Demo.json file contains following data


"Name of the person": "Daniel",

  "Mobile Number": 8956795433,

  "Boolean value": tr,ue

  "Pets": ["Dogs", "cats"],

  "Address": {

    "Long-lasting location": "AMERICA",

    "current Address" : "INDIA"



We now use the below mentioned steps to convert json file into string

·        Import every one of the expected classes like Files, Paths, and Scanner.

·        Take input from the client for the area and name.

·        Make convertFileIntoString()

·        In the convertFileIntoString() strategy, we utilize the get() technique for the Paths class to get the document information.

·        We utilize the readAllBytes() strategy for the Files class to peruse bytes information of the JSON documents as a string.

·        We store the returned consequence of the readAllBytes()and get()methods into a variable and return it to the principal() technique.

·        In the primary() strategy, we basically print the returned consequence of the convertFileIntoString()



// import required classes and bundles

// we use classes of nio bundle to peruse bytes information of the JSON document




// make ReadFileAsString class to change over json document into string

public class ReadFileArrayString1 {

    // primary() technique start

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

//handle special case

    // pronounce fileName, area, and record variable that will store the client entered document name, area, and document information as a string, individually

    String fileName, document, area;

    // make scanner class object

    Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the name of the document which you need to change over or access as string: ");

        // take input from client and instate filName variable

fileName1 = sc1.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter the location of the "+fileName1+" document: ");

        // take input from client and introduce area variable

area = sc1.nextLine();

        // close scanner class obj


        // call convertFileIntoString() strategy that will return the record information as string. We store the returned information into document variable

Record1 = convertFileIntoString(location+"\\"+fileName1);

        // print the outcome, i.e., JSON information in type of string



    // make convertFileIntoString() technique to change over JSON record into string

public static String convertFileIntoString(String file)throws Exception


    // proclaim a variable wherein we store the JSON information as a string and return it to the principal() technique

    String result1;

    // instate result variable

    // we utilize the get() strategy for Paths to get the record information

    // we use readAllBytes() strategy for Files to peruse byted information from the documents

    Result1 = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file)));

    // return result to the primary() strategy

    bring result1 back;




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